

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I Think I'm In The Mood To Bake

What a straggly day this has been. I've accomplished absolute nothing other than I did get my walking in this morning and helped hubby and neighbor take the cover off the pool. I tried to knit but couldn't get into it, tried to blog and again couldn't get with it, I didn't want to read, or to garden, or to talk on the phone (which I never like to do but should stay in touch with friends and family more than I do). I thought about doing some baking but didn't want to go to the grocery to pick up eggs. I used the last one in the frig last night when making Amish Pasta Salad. It was so good, I love the dressing used in this salad although I know it has more calories than it should have. We love pasta salads and I make a lot of different ones, most having an oil and vinegar base dressing. This one has a mayonnaise base, two cups of it, but oh it is so good.

I think I am probably in a mood to bake and tomorrow I will make myself go to the grocery and re-stock the frig and whatever else needs to be replenished in the kitchen. I've been buying fresh strawberries, butter and red leaf lettuces, young onions, basil, broccoli, and …collards (I'm a GA girl) from a set-up beside the bank's parking lot. I'm told they will have fresh produce to sell all summer as each crop matures. This particular farm grows for a local grocery chain and so grows a large variety of vegetable for them. I don't really go to the grocery that often anymore since there is just the two of us. Like so many people, we eat more and more prepared foods. It was simply easier for Mr. Rō to handle the kitchen when I was taking chemo if there were foods that didn't take a lot of preparation. While I much prefer cooking everything from scratch, it doesn't happen that often any more. I still love reading cookbooks and still find myself buying one each time we visit a different state or country, I just don't use them to prepare food by the way I use to.

The hobo bag is felted and it really turned out nice. I used Patton's merino and even the cream color yarn felted nicely. Now, do I line it or not. If it were for me I wouldn't put a lining in it but can I actually give a bag without a lining as a gift? Probably not. I've thought about putting a zippered lining in it because it is pretty open at the top and that would make a more secure 'pocketbook'. The person I'm giving it to doesn't knit, as far as I know, so it wouldn't be used as a knitting bag. She is a medical technician so she might enjoy using it for a work tote. I'll have to think about it some more, still have a couple of days to decide. We'll be leaving on Friday morning as soon as my radiation treatment is completed. It's been several years since we've visited these friends and we're looking forward to seeing them again. They, like us, have become grandparents since we were last together. Guess what we'll be talking about. My daughter had a new brag book printed of Dariana's latest escapades for me to take with me to GA last month. Grandparents love to brag about their grandchildren, how could they not?

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